This file includes pollen abundance values and sample depths. Pollen is identified to species, or otherwise to genus or family. Also spores of Sphagnum and other spore plants are included in the count as well as mineral and charcoal particles >25 micron). Column A includes species names (or genus or family) from row 3 to row 87. Rows 88-89 mineral particles and charcoal particles. From 90-93 sample volume, number of Lycopodium tablets, number of spores per Lycopodium tablet, number of counted spores of Lycopodium. (row 90-93 are used for calculating pollen density in row 110). Column B rows 3 - 88 display plant life form A: trees, C: shrubs, D: dwarf shrubs, E: herbs, F: Aquatic and fen plants, G: ferns, H: peat moss. Column C - AQ, row 1 displays sampling depth in cm. Column C - AQ, rows 3 - 87 display species pollen abundance. Column C - AQ, rows 88 and 89 display abundance of mineral and charcoal particles. Column C - AQ, rows 90 - 93 display number of Lycopodium tablets added and counted in order to calculate pollen density. Column C - AQ, rows 94 - 103 display pollen sums of the various life forms as well as mineral and charcoal particles. Column C - AQ, rows 104 - 109 include pollen sums (and mineral and charcoal) necessary to calculate percentage values. Column C - AQ, row 110 calculated values of pollen density.