Metadata for "Bumble bees and honey bee abundances collected in agricultural landscapes with and without flower strips and honey bee hives" For further information, see methods in the publication Bommarco et al. 2021. Flower strips enhance abundance of bumble bee queens and males in landscapes with few honey bee hives. Biological conservation. File information Honey bee abundance sampled in linear habitat elements in the landscape in 2018. All four landscape treatments are included: with and without flower strip, and with and without honey bee hives added. File "HBLandsc.tsv" 7 Variables: Site_ID Round Flowerstrip HB_hives Segment_type Segment_number Honeybees 130 Data rows Honey bee abundance sampled in linear habitat elements in the landscape and within the flower strip in 2018. Only landscapes with flower strips are included. Landscapes with and without honey bee hives added are sampled. File "HBStrip.tsv" 7 Variables: Site_ID Round Flowerstrip HB_hives Segment_type Segment_number Honeybees 93 Data rows Bumble bee abundance sampled in linear habitat elements in the landscape in 2018. All four landscape treatments are included: with and without flower strip, and with and without honeybee hives added. File "BBLandsc.tsv" 12 Variables: ID Site_ID Round Flowerstrip HB_hives Segment_type Segment_number Cast Bumblebees Area Honeybees AreaS 520 Data rows Bumble bee abundance sampled in linear habitat elements in the landscape and within the flower strip in 2018. Only landscapes with flower strips are included. Landscapes with and without honey bee hives added are sampled. File "BBStrip.tsv" 7 Variables: Site_ID Round Flowerstrip HB_hives Segment_type Segment_number Honeybees 93 Data rows Bumble bee caste (workers and males) abundance sampled in linear habitat elements in the landscape in 2018. All four landscape treatments are included: with and without flower strip, and with and without honeybee hives added. File "BBCasteLandsc.tsv" 13 Variables: ID Site_ID Round Flowerstrip HB_hives Segment_type Segment_number Cast Bumblebees Area Honeybees AreaS Cast2 520 Data rows Bumble bee abundance caste (workers and males) sampled in linear habitat elements in the landscape and within the flower strip. Only landscapes with flower strips are included. Landscapes with and without honey bee hives added are sampled. File "BBCasteStrip.tsv" 12 Variables: ID Site_ID Round Flowerstrip HB_hives Segment_type Segment_number Cast Bumblebees Area Honeybees Cast2 372 Data rows Bumble bee queens sampled in linear habitat elements in the spring 2019. Samplings through transect walks are done in all experimental landscapes. File "BBQ2019.tsv" 13 Variables: ID Site_ID Round Flowerstrip HB_hives Type Segment Width Wind Queens Total_flower_area Width.log Flower.log 768 Data rows Explanation of variables: ID: Identity of site, segment type, round, and segment number Site_ID: Site identity marker. Sites are anonymized and codified with letters. (Site SV is the site included or excluded from the analysis as discussed in the article) Round: Observation round Flowerstrip: 1 = site with flower strip, 0 = site without flower strip HB_hives: C = Control site with honey bee hives removed, HB = Site with honey bee hives added Segment_type: S = linear habitat transect segment in the landscape, FS = flower strip transect segment Segment_number: Number for segment within site, round and segment habitat type Cast: Bumble bee caste, m = male, q = queen, w = worker Cast2: Bumble bee cast without queens, w=worker r=reproductive (male) Area: Flower unit area in 2018 AreaS: Standardized flower area (subtracted mean divided by standard deviation) Bumblebees: Number of bumble bees observed within a segment number Honeybees: Number of honeybees observed within a segment number Type: Linear landscape habitat type in 2019, Ditch, Road edge, or Stone wall Wind: Windspeed (m/s) Queens: Number of queens observed in a transect in 2019 Width: Width (m) of a transect in 2019 Total_flower_area: Flower unit area in 2019 Width.log: Natural logarithm of transect width in 2019 Flower.log: Natural logarithm of flower area in 2019