Statistics for SLU e-arkiv

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Practices and knowledge related to antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance among Vietnamese veterinary drug shop workers 42
Tentamensuppgifter från kurs (VM0090) - Veterinär folkhälsovetenskap med tillämpad epidemiologi och epizootologi. Kurs gick under termin Ht-20, Ht-21, Vt-20, Vt-21, 38
Pollen analysis and 14C dating in outlining vegetation history of the primeval forest Fiby urskog, south Sweden 37
LabMaster data 35
Abundans av humlor och honungsbin i jordbrukslandskap med eller utan blomremsor och honungsbisamhällen 35
Utbildningsplaner ua.2012 30
INDILACT – Extended voluntary waiting period in primiparous dairy cows. Part 2: Customized VWP – Generated output 29
ICP IM Manual 7th Edition 28
Experiences of India's community health workers and women during the COVID-19 pandemic. 20
Pigs' odour exploration behaviour – data from part 1 of project ”Smell this" 20