Undersowing oats with clovers supports pollinators and suppresses arable weeds without reducing yields

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The data in the 'combined_dataset.csv' file have information on different ecosystem service indicators collected in 13 fields ('field_ID') and two treatments per field (intercropped and control). 27 rows. The ecosystem service indicators contained are: soil mineral nitrogen (before and after the experiment), arable weed cover, arable weed biomass, granivorous carabid beetle density, flower cover, pollinator density, root disease severity (before and after the experiment), root-feeding nematode density (before and after the experiment), cereal leaf beetle damage, predatory nematode density (before and after the experiment), predatory carabid beetle density, staphylinid beetle density, spider density, predation rates on the soil level, oat yield and oat yield nitrogen content. Additionally, the biomass of undersown clovers in the intercropped treatment, the area covered by the intercropped treatment, the field size and the arable land cover in 1 km radius around the oat field are stated.
nematods, carabid beetles, ground dwelling predators, intercropping, ecosystem services, cereals, bumblebees, ecological intensification